Environmental Defense Fund:

North Shore Animal League:

And then they both went on their merry separate ways!
*Honestly, Mike, I'm not trying to be that gay cyber-stalker from Kentucky you always wanted. (You have always wanted one, though, right? I mean, doesn't everyone?) I did borrow the "I'm Chalk" pic from you, though, so some credit was due somewhere. I promise to go for at least a week before I mention you again! I'll stalk, uhm, Roger for a while, instead! OK?
My eyes are my ears!
And indeed they are!
I think that’s going to become my new motto: My Eyes Are My Ears!
I want a t-shirt and a bumper sticker printed up.
I may even start using it to respond to others:
Keith: Will you take the trash out?
Eddie: My eyes are my ears!
Boss: Is your report done yet?
Eddie: My eyes are my ears!
Aerobics Instructor: Step to the left!
Eddie: My eyes are my ears!
Pastor: Let us pray!
Eddie: My eyes are my ears!
Okay, that last one will never happen, since I don’t go to church, but you get the idea. Try it out on your friends and loved ones! Maybe we can start a trend.
I love public art!
My Eyes Are My Ears!
Some corners of the comics world are reeling from the news of Seth Fisher's death. I met him once, kind of by accident. For a couple of San Diego con's. I helped out at the NBM booth to pick up some extra spending money. Fisher approached the booth one afternoon to talk with their sales rep about some work. I think he was wanting to see how they decided what books to publish or something. He had a copy of Willworld with hi, which impressed their sales guy. I don't remember a lot of the details of the conversation, because it was business that really didn't concern me. I was just a bystander. Or, maybe, I don't remember much else because I was staring at his chest the whole time. His shirt was unbuttoned about halfway down, providing a great veiw of his chest hair, which had been shaved into the shape of a star! That part, I do remember, quite clearly. (On his site, there's a photo of him with heart-shaped chest hair, so apparently, he was also a chest hair artist as well.)
RIP Seth, you'll be missed.
Factcheck.org has the real story behind the State of the Union address.
Locally, the Courier-Journal had one of the best political cartoons in response to the SOTU.
You just have to know that the name-calling isn't over yet. The Republican idea of bipartisanship seems to be "let's all get together and agree to do what we say." It's only a matter of time before someone gets called an 'obstructionist.'
One of the CJ columnists also had a really touching euology for Coretta Scott King.
(The CJ links will expire at some point, not sure when, as they move their older stuff to their paid search part of their site.)
Nice, if a little breezy, article about a performer I wish would come to Louisville: Candye Kane.
And Finally
Got this in email a while ago, so probably most folks have seen it. Still, I’ve been wanting to post it here for a while. So, in honor of the many Oscar noms for Brokeback Mountain and last night’s State of the Union address:
Now that I’ve finally seen BBM, I’ve got some thoughts rolling around I need to sort out and post. I can say this: I was moved on many levels. I need to read the original short story. And I need to re-read Dorian’s post on the movie. Something he said kept sticking in my head while I was watching it, but I couldn’t remember it clearly enough to process both it and the film at the time. It’s been a while since I’ve seen something that gave me something to grapple with afterwards.
But Wait…There’s More
Apparently Dad needs a cell phone.